Happiness is The Goal, these days more than ever. Joy, Gratitude, Peace, Happiness… the buzzwords are everywhere. There are funny blogs about them, hilariously crass meditation parodies (warning: not for the easily offended), tongue-in-cheek memes.
But it’s not just buzz and parody… there’s actually something to it.
We’re wired to feel. Feelings are at the foundation of our life-force. They are our coloring box. The Feels are what pull us in to connect in a much deeper way to others and ourselves. Feelings give us direction about our wants, needs, desires and passions.
But full-tilt happiness can’t happen unless we paint with all the colors.
When we understand what we are feeling and why, we can make empowered choices on how to deal with situations.
Note: part of the increased buzz around gratitude, happiness and joy is an effort to create peace during more difficult global, political, personal shifts – it’s an invitation to upgrade our internal operating systems so to speak.
The simple act of tuning in will align you with what you want and need, make connections deeper, life richer. “Negative” feelings are a cue to implement positive change. And great news: on the other side of that tune-in is real happiness – the kind that is such a commodity today.
So let’s upgrade!
Red – it’s the first color of the rainbow and associated with one of the most taboo of emotions, Anger.
Getting MAD is a direct path to getting HAPPY. Nonsense? Think again.
Lots of us get stuck when it comes to anger.
Why? It can be ugly, leave a bad taste in your mouth and depending how it’s handled can lead to feelings of shame afterward. Or, anger, can be of our most powerful tools for creating change in our lives.
Anger feels passionately about making sure things are fair – it cheers for things being done Right. Anger itself is neither bad nor good. It’s the behavior that follows the feeling that can be destructive. Just depends on how you respond to the invitation.
5 Outcomes for Healthy Anger:
How do you vent productively? Leave me a comment below – I love hearing from you!
Join me here again soon. Next time I’ll explain why feeling Blue leads to your happiness (yep, diving deeper into the coloring box!).
Want to explore how I can help you get to your Happy Place, sign up for a free Get Traction Now appointment – it’s one of my favorite things to help people see how they can take the driver’s seat to Happy.