
I have confidence and am able to be myself now, more than ever!

Working with Sherrie was a course in personal development and forward motion in life for me!

I didn’t realize how many decisions I made out of fear, nor did I see that I ignored emotions that resulted in the same outcome of feeling like I am not living up to my potential.

Sherrie taught me to be aware when fear and ignored emotions are at play, how to create a safe space to connect to them, and how to be kind to myself so that I can move forward in the direction I want to go.

I have confidence and am able to be myself now, more than ever! I feel like I have the tools to connect more with myself and with others.

Johanna Y. ,

Best investment, wish I had it years ago, I’d probably have fewer gray hairs!

Fast, easy and amazing! That’s how I feel about my experience working with Sherrie and her Access to Now program. It has been my secret weapon when fear, worry and overwhelm show up on my entrepreneurial path. But with this incredible tool, I quickly regain momentum and flow for more inspired productivity. Best investment, wish I had it years ago, I’d probably have fewer gray hairs!

Sybil Henry , The Style Concierge

Sherrie has provided me with the confidence, clarity, focus and direction

When I began to develop my own business, I realized that the mindset I needed as CEO was quite different than the mindset that had supported me in my 20 plus years working in corporate America. Even as a solo-preneur, and perhaps even MORE important as a solo-preneur, I recognized that thinking and operating from the perspective of being the CEO of my own business would more strongly assist me to create my desired outcomes. I chose to participate in Sherrie Toews course Installing Your Board of Directors so that I would be able to get clarity and focus on what values, goals and objectives were important to me and how I wanted to incorporate those in the foundation of how I operated all aspects of my business.

After working with Sherrie, I was able to instantly create and experience those aspects and as a result, it has provided me with the confidence, clarity, focus and direction to make decisions, organize my time and prioritize what is most important for me to achieve continued growth both professionally and personally.

I would absolutely recommend Sherrie Toews because of her tremendous amount of experience in this field, her caring and compassionate nature, her absolute authentic desire to support each and every person she works with to achieve their goals and her ability to provide insights and motivation that go far beyond the surface. The best part about working with Sherrie is that she provided me with skills and tools that I can easily access on my own to continue to create sustainable change and results.


Now I’ve got a new future to look forward to!

Before working with Sherrie, I was bored, tired, unhappy, and I felt stuck. Our three children were stretching their wings and my full-time job as a stay-at-home mom was rapidly shifting. I felt like my life was slipping through my hands like hot sand on the beach.

Then, as I progressed through Sherrie’s class, I learned that I was a chronic procrastinator and didn’t even know it. I realized that my main complaint, boredom, was just a symptom. Sherrie was able to uproot the causes that made me believe I was a hot mess and that sand really wasn’t slipping, then we fine-tuned my goals.

Now I’ve got a new future to look forward to! I enrolled in school to up-level my professional skill-set as a Human Service professional from long ago. With Sherrie’s help, I am in the process of establishing a business as a Personal Development Coach. My practice is rooted in a foundation of establishing quality health and wellness for a lasting transformational change. I plan to help women who feel stuck in a rut, specifically when dealing with a medical diagnosis or general dis-ease.

I’m so proud of myself! As soon as I graduate, I plan to go to the beach and build a castle... in the sand!

Becky C. ,

I have changed… and it is OK! It is fantastic!

Before working with Sherrie, I was a person that always put other people first in my personal life. I continued that same way even in my own business! I cared what everyone thought, even people that worked for me. I cared how they felt and my job was to be there for them. Even my vendors, when making excuses why something was late or not delivered, I would listen to their excuses, feel guilty and let them off the hook, no matter what the consequences were for me. I thought, that to be successful, I had to be the nicest person in the world. I heard success changes people and I was so afraid that if I did change in any way, people would notice and start to say it!

But, after working with Sherrie, she made me realized something wonderful that changed my life and my business!

I have changed… and it is OK! It is fantastic! How could I not? I worked very hard, sacrificed, put my whole heart and soul and passion into my business, by myself, to get it where it is today.

Sherrie helped me catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and what I saw was someone changed, someone that deserved to change, someone that still had all the qualities of compassion and caring that makes me who I am, and I can keep all of those qualities, I just don’t have to do it at my expense and I can change in any way I see that will make me grow and benefit me and my business.

I highly recommend working with Sherrie because when you are ready for that journey to success or whatever it is you need to get there, she is there, like your best, best friend in the world, watching your back, guiding you, caring about you, keeping you on track, while you and your business grow together, until you look back, amazed, and see just how far she took you!

Logan Steiner ,

I am a big believer in her work and the positive impact it has had on me personally

The Access to Now work that I did with Sherrie Toews has been awesome. It provided me practical and simple tools that I can readily use during my day, say when I get thrown off track as I am facilitating a team in conflict and I need to re-aligned quickly. I also used the tools to comfortably step on stage for our latest TEDx Talk: Conflict – Use It, Don’t Defuse It! and deal with all my bloopers – especially the one right at the end of the talk!

Sherrie has a great style. She is straight and gets the work done in a way that allows me to go deep and become more comfortable with whatever emotions are coming up. I am a big believer in her work and the positive impact it has had on me personally, as well as, in support of my business. I highly recommend Access To Now!

Susan Clarke , Partner in Thrive! Inc.

The tools I learned from Sherrie help me feel settled in the midst of a high stakes conversation.

What I love about Access to Now and also working personally with Sherrie is that it helped me find the courage to tell my own personal story in our latest TEDx Talk: Conflict – Use It, Don’t Defuse It! Backstage before going on to speak, I was utilizing the tools Sherrie taught me. As a consultant working with teams in conflict, the tools I learned from Sherrie help me feel settled in the midst of a high stakes conversation. You can’t go wrong doing Access to Now! You will definitely get your ROI!

CrisMarie Campbell , Partner in Thrive! Inc.

Work with me and become a success story!
